Today will be my first post ever where I voice out my mind.Have you ever come across situations where you were too late even though you succeeded in something? Well, that doesn't sink in well for anybody. Reaching some heights must eventually mean there is a nasty fall waiting to happen but the only thing you can do is go on with the flow, nothing can stop it or even prevent that fall but one can only push it further ahead or "postpone" it.
Well, that bitter feeling that sinks in is a rather nasty thing you see... It can effect people in different ways. Well! What can I say? I know we all are alike yet at the same time different. That can be a bit confusing, but my mind and my mom tell me that one way a bitter experience is necessary for the joy you feel when you succeed.
That's all for now folks! Ponder over such things and question the significance of the events we go through and comment below!


  1. Yup i am pondering,yet I know that there are some things i will surely not find an answer for or it just that i dont want to know the answer.


  3. I personally believe the no event in life can fade in to insignificance, because it definitely will have an effect on our future. no matter how small it is...

    good one Aditi...

  4. Dear Aditi, You should always taste the victory as well as failure only then you will be able to understand life

  5. Experiencing small doses of failure and corrosive emotions all through our lives help us build coping abilities. They add that much more value to our achievements.
    I believe that the manner in which an individual reacts to the bitter experiences that life throws at them determines their odds of surviving in this world.

    That truly was fuel to my thoughts, Aditi.

  6. Awesome Deed. Where there is light there is darkness and where there is happiness there is bitterness. But the bitterness makes us stronger in life

  7. Lovely... Nice way to share your thoughts Aditi and how lucky it is to get so many different opinions from so many minds of unique ideologies..

  8. When we choose to happen to life instead of letting life happen to us! Life embraces us and gives the bliss of getting shaped into the person we always desire to be through a miraculously mixed process containing mountains and cliffs, rivers and streams, hurricanes and calm breeze, sunshine and clouds, rainbows and darkness. Unless we are able to take care of it, it will never be allowed by nature to be with us. Thus, failures are nothing but an indication of success!

  9. Life has a miraculously mixed way of shaping us into the form we desire to be. It will treat us with mountains and valleys, cliffs and plains, rivers and streams, sunshine and rainbows, clouds and rains. It will never let us have it unless we are ready for it. In other words, failures are just an indication that we are on the path of success.

  10. Awesome! I totally believe there is some sort of hope in life which makes us to fight hard at situations to get the best things of our life.. Life is nothing but surprises and miracles. Those who believe in miracles are the strongest persons ever. When i am running through worst phase in my life saw bigger upsets , Then one quote actually changes life i.e., " If you are going through hell keep going. Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations" after that I change myself.. I saw so many peoples are also suffering like this.. that's why i learnt astrology, Save many lives .. Pain taught me how to handle tough situations .. why success is such a sweet thing.. It doesn't come very easily.. My father say one word at the time of his death .. Never give Up.. I promised i will never give up. I need more failures to learn ... That experience teaches lot... I am already a successful person in my subconscious mind ..


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