It's very difficult to discover yourself in this world, too many things cluttering in our heads. This  life is a journey of lessons my mother tells me, but to experience it and let it mould your personality is a whole different idea.
These past few months set me to a mode that seemed tiring, I went from reserved to an open book and then back to square one. Have you guys felt the same too? If yes, please do share your views down below.
"Change is the only constant" is one statement that is the essence of our very existence.
These months I realized the importance of having friends, family and everything closer to  me more than ever...
Why? you may ask... Well, all I can tell you is that once you learn to "deal" with them, you understand their perspective better and when change starts to pull you apart, you must try hard to communicate it to them, let them know that you are scared of that change. There's nothing wrong with saying that! This is when the other person understands the importance of themselves in your life and that my friends is when they realize that they too are sharing the same feeling as you are.
Change is something we all talk about and to deal with it is another talk all together! But one must remember it's easier said than done. All humans cling to the present moment and are afraid of change that knocks them out of their comfort zone, so how you think you will handle the big CHANGE in your life?
Signing off,
Aditi :)


  1. Wow good one Deed I love the changes that come in my life

  2. Wow good one Deed I love the changes that come in my life

  3. Hi Adds, yes change is part of life, change does scare us but when u go through the change and look behind is when u realise whether the change was for good or not.

  4. Hi kitty I too have gone through so many changes, yes like you said 'easier said than done'.Always have an open mind it helps a lot .

  5. Hi kitty I too have gone through so many changes, yes like you said 'easier said than done'.Always have an open mind it helps a lot .

  6. That back to square one feeling was very often experienced by everyone I feel. I experience it after all struggles to excel. Good one Aditi

  7. Thank you all for sharing your opinions. Really glad to understand different views. :)


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