Today, let's talk about the "VOIDS" in our lives...
What exactly does the word void mean?
When we Google it, we find various definitions...Not valid or legally binding, completely empty and so much more... So what sort of a void do we face in our lives?
Is it something we face or do we create it within ourselves? Is it a mere vacuum that is meant to make us feel anxious or helpless?
I once came across this quote by a well known 13th century Persian poet Rumi - "The wound is the place where light enters you." This was some very interesting statement. If I could, I would have responded saying, "Well said, Mr. Rumi !"
I completely agree with him. He has obviously reflected on a universal truth, one can say...
Now let's compare the VOID and the WOUND.
Void can be a self creation or forced due to various circumstances; a wound however, is also the same in terms of its existence but it differs from the void because one tends to associate a wound with pain, sorrow, discomfort, damage and something that is an end product of harm.
Let's now try to superimpose the two abstract feelings - WOUND and VOID...
There's something very much prominent, too obvious but an emotionally effected mind fails to acknowledge it's existence. It's this monstrous glare that meets one's eye, that face which is staring right into one's eyes but to which one tends to turn a blind eye.
It's obvious isn't it?
Think for now readers... I'll reveal that monstrous face in the next post!
Till then ponder on your thoughts and do comment below! Let me see if you readers can identify it... :)


  1. I do agree with you ,I feel both are same

  2. I do agree with you ,I feel both are same

    1. Yes! They both are... :)
      Their functions are essentially the same!!


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