Dear reader,
It's been a long time since I wrote. I have been busy, moving to hostel and what not! A new phase is what I have started experiencing... A life where I learn about independence!
I'll fill you guys in on the "voids" from my last post for now...
Well, a void is that open area where you are free to fill it with your emotions and build your foundation. :)
Its what will build character. It is something that will determine the difference between the present and the future YOU!
Knowledge about self and your outlook towards life or in other words- perception of life are somethings that fill up that void. The void is ever changing, it is full yet empty in some other aspect. It will always be there no matter what. With every stage in our lives, it too will evolve to become empty in another way, letting us to always keep an open mind and experience new things and learn from them.
Well that's all folks!
Please do comment below! Express your thoughts about it as well... 


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