On my journey of Self Discovery

Photo by Elise Wilcox on Unsplash

It's been a long time indeed.
I have been on a journey that is of self-discovery. It is true that we all do discover ourselves unconsciously as we move ahead in life but we sometimes fail to acknowledge our strengths and our weaknesses.
The journey I am undertaking is a 100-day challenge to myself, where I would be consciously acknowledging who I am, I may not like the results but who's to say- what's to like and what's not to!
Some may think it's being self-obsessed but dear people, let me remind you that self-discovery is far away from being self-obsessed.
I know I will face moments where I will want to give up but those are the moments that will make me stronger and much more sure of myself. I want to see what lies ahead this journey and I am sure the results are beautiful, however, it is.
It's a spiritual journey and a struggle to understand the self.
Let's all make a conscious effort in understanding ourselves and be more open to LIFE!
See you soon with more posts!


  1. Introspection is good but believing in yourself is of utmost importance. Where you stand today is because who you've been in past, it's a result of your past encounters and learnings. Understand yourself, improve yourself but don't transform yourself into someone who you wouldn't even recognize later..
    Lots of love ❤️

  2. Thank you dear reader! Yes I do agree with you and I appreciate your comment! 😊

  3. One way self discovery can happen is when u just keep aside all the opinions others have about you and opinions you have about urself.... Ur mind will be free from all prejudices and will become transparent and u will realize who u really are.


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