Home- Destination or People?

Home. What is it? A place? Your people/tribe? A feeling?

It always seems to loom over like the froth in a hot cup of filter coffee. There have been times where the moment someone says home, there is a sense of peace and comfort that serves as a fluffy warm blanket during a cold winter morning. There have been moments where it feels like a cool, soothing breeze along a beach shore during a hot summer day. Comforting yet refreshing to rejuvenate our very souls...

Being away from home for quite a while can be a mixture of experiences. The journey entails the awakening of the very first sense of independence- feeling fear, lost, disconnected and despite that, a slow and steady rise in strength and stability, reconnecting and feeling found.
Turning out to be a whole circle!

The journey beyond home trails down the path to where it all started. After all, our roots are where we are very much grounded and stable. However, the curiosity and the need to explore the unknown beckons each one of us to find our destiny. We choose our paths to learn new things that surround us and also abstractly about ourselves. This does mean getting out of our comfort zones or more often so, understanding what exactly our definition of comfort is...

I find myself writing this piece, a bit cliché during the period of lockdown amidst this pandemic that has disrupted everyone's lives... "This too shall pass..."
So to you, dear reader, what is home to you?
Do share your thoughts below!


  1. Hi dear aditi @author, According to me home is like a relaxing place.. I use my home for cook and sleep and reading books , I am not gonna spend my time in home.. I always seems to be busy with any work or activity otherwise it gives me lonely feeling.. That's why i just want go to beaches especially in the night, That cool breezes taught me you are not a lonely person and that waves taught me .. there is a time for everything, Don't worry if you are down, definitely reach upper level in life.. ups and downs are common life .. I feel very much comfortable at beach..

  2. A home is not space for sleep or something , As per me home is family , if in your family your family members loves you, then it means you are living in heaven , And if they are selfish they just enjoying their own company , they don't have love for you , they dont know what you are doing for them , they have no interest it means that you are living in hell .


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